Kathy Stuart


Position Title
Associate Professor of History

3236 Social Sciences & Humanities

Research Focus

Early modern Germany; social and cultural history; crime, deviance, and marginality; microhistory; history of daily life; history of gender

Selected Publications

  • Stuart, K. (2009) Melancholy murderers: Suicide by proxy and the insanity defense, in Ideas and Cultural Margins: Essays in Honor of H.C. Erik Midelfort, edited by Robin Barnes and Marjorie Plummer (Eds.), Aldershot, Hambleton: Ashgate.
  • Stuart, K. (2008) Suicide by proxy: The unintended consequences of public executions in eighteenth-century Germany, Central European History, 41, 413-445.
  • Stuart, K. (2007) Pozornaia shuba, ili Neprednamerennye effekty sotsial’nogo distsiplinirovaniia, in M. M. Krom, G. Al’gazi, D. Sabean, (Eds.) Istoriia i antropologiia: Mezhdistsiplinarnye issledovaniia poslednikh let. St. Petersburg: Aletheia. (Russian Translation of Chapter 5, Defiled Trades)
  • Stuart, K. (2000) Defiled Trades and Social Outcasts: Honor and Ritual Pollution in Early Modern Germany, Cambridge University Press. Winner Hans Rosenberg Biennial Book Prize, 2001. German translation: Unehrliche Berufe. Status und Stigma in der frühen Neuzeit am Beispiel Augsburgs (Augsburg: Wißner Verlag, 2008). 
  • Stuart, K. (1998) Dishonore, contaminazione e guistizia criminale ad Augusta nella prima eta moderna, Quaderni Storici, 99, 677-706. 


Lecture Classes: European History during the Renaissance and Reformation (131B); The Old Regime: Absolutism, Enlightenment and Revolution (131C); Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe (132).

Seminars: Satan or a Disordered Spleen? The Experience of Madness in Early Modern Europe; Problematic Passions: History of the Emotions in Early Modern Europe; The Dead and the Undead, 1348-1800; Body, Gender, and Sexuality in Early Modern Europe.

I teach an annual summer abroad program: "Vienna, At the Crossroads of Central Europe." Visit the program web page at http://history.ucdavis.edu/vienna/ to lean more about the program.