Awards, Scholarships, Fellowships, & Study Abroad Funding

Delta Phi Alpha: German Honor Society

Undergraduate students with an overall GPA of 2.7 who have demonstrated exceptional work in at least five upper division German courses (minimum GPA of 3.3) are invited to apply for membership in the German National Honor Society, Delta Phi Alpha. The society offers a few scholarships to Germany on a nationwide basis. In the spring quarter, the German department nominates eligible students for membership in Delta Phi Alpha.

Departmental Citations

Departmental citations are presented to those students who have demonstrated excellence in their German studies, as determined by the faculty.

John and Henni Fetzer Award for Advanced Undergraduate Study of German Literature and Culture

This annual award can be used to cover the cost of tuition, fees, travel, and living expenses.  The deadline is in December for awards the following academic year.

Preference for the Award will be given to students:

  • who have completed at least two years of university coursework (or the equivalent) in the German language
  • who are enrolled for at least one academic quarter for credit at a university in Germany (first preference), Austria, or Switzerland, through UC Davis Study Abroad or the UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP)
  • who are pursuing studies in the area of German literature and culture, broadly defined as including, but not necessarily limited to, comparative literature, linguistics, philosophy, arts, culture, history, and music

Scholarship Applications

Applications for scholarships are available at the UCD Scholarship office, Voorhies Hall, Rm. 228. There are several scholarship opportunities for German majors and minors.

  • The Bruno W. and Audrey M. Bracka Scholarship is for College of Letters & Science undergraduates who have declared a major or minor in German. Students may have upper- or lower- division status with a preference given for upper division. Scholarships may be awarded to the same student from year to year.
  • The Emilyn Louise Vaage Memorial Scholarship is for undergraduates majoring in German who have financial need. In establishing the award, the donor stated, “We are not as interested in the student of top grade-point average as we are in the award to a good student whose financial status would be augmented and whose recognition as a good student would be recognized and rewarded as well.” The Committee does require a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25.

Students who are interested in furthering their education may want to consider the following opportunities:

  • Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Fellowships. These fellowships support study in Germany. Although these do not cover travel expenses, they do provide the students with an adequate monthly stipend.
  • Fulbright Scholarships for Study in Germany. Fulbright covers travel expenses to Germany as well as tuition, books, and daily living costs.
  • Congress-Bundestag Exchange Program. Primarily intended for young American adults aged 18 to 24 in business, technical, vocational and agricultural fields, this 12-month, cultural work-study program is funded by a USA grant and offers participants an excellent combination of theory and practical training by providing two months of intensive language training, four months of university or technical school instruction and a five-month paid internship in the participant's career field. A maximum of 60 applicants are selected each year. Application deadline is December 15.


DAAD Fellowships and Grants

The German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) is the German national agency for the support of international academic exchange and cooperation between Germany and other countries.  It offers a wide variety of fellowships for non-German students to study, research, and work in Germany.  Here are some popular fellowships for American undergraduate students:

  • DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship:
    For studying, conducting research for thesis, or doing internships in any academic field in Germany for 4 to 10 months.
  • DAAD Study Scholarship:
    This is a scholarship for graduating seniors to spend a full academic year of study or a full graduate degree program in Germany.
  • DAAD RISE - Research Internships in Science and Engineering:
    Summer internships for undergraduates in biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, and engineering.  Fellows work directly with doctoral students in research groups at German universities.
  • DAAD University Summer Course Grant:
    This fellowship allows undergrads to take summer courses at German universities to improve their language skills while studying their academic subject matters.
  • German Studies Research Grant:
    This grant funds research projects in the US or in Germany about any area of contemporary German Studies.
  • EMGIP - Bundestag Internship:
    This rellowship supports a two-month stay at the German parliament.  Participants must be fluent in German.
  • Study and Internship Program:
    This fellowship supports an academic semester in Germany and a subsequent semester of professional internship in a company or a research institute in Germany.

Fulbright Scholarships

The Fulbright Program offers a wide range of grants and fellowships to undergraduate students, international graduate study, advanced research, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide.  The contact person for the Fulbright Student Program at UC Davis is Deborah McCook.  Visit the Fulbright website for more information.

The German Chancellor Fellowship for Prospective Leaders

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's German Chancellor Fellowship Program supports university graduates from the United States with interests in international issues and leadership ambitions.  This fellowship supports a one-year stay in Germany with fellows from other countries with the goal of exploring solutions to global issues.  Fellows will conduct independent research projects at their host institutions.  Each year 10 fellows will be selected from the United States.

German American Chamber of Commerce

The German American Chamber of Commerce offers a career portal for young professionals to gain internship or work opportunities in Germany and the US in a bilingual environment.  For more information, please go to their website.  GACC has a local office in San Francisco.