Upcoming Event - The Language of Archives: Deniz Utlu in conversation with Sultan Doughan and Deniz Göktürk

The Language of Archives: Deniz Utlu in conversation with Sultan Doughan and Deniz Göktürk
Lecture | October 17 | 12-1:30 p.m. | Zoom
Speaker: Deniz Utlu, Author
Moderators: Sultan Doughan, Dr Thomas Zand visiting assistant professor of Holocaust pedagogy and antisemitism studies at Clark University; Deniz Göktürk, Professor in the Department of German at UC Berkeley
Sponsors: Institute of European Studies, Department of German, Goethe-Institut San Francisco, German Consulate General San Francisco, German Historical Institute Washington | Pacific Office Berkeley, UC Davis Department of German
Deniz Utlu is an author, playwright, editor, and human rights researcher. As founder of freitext, he edited the magazine from 2003 to 2014. His first novel, Die Ungehaltenen [The Indignant] (2014) was adapted for the stage at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin. His second novel, Gegen Morgen [Toward Morning] was published in 2019. His 2012 play Fahrräder könnten eine Rolle spielen [Bicycles Might Play a Part] (co-authored with Sasha Marianna Salzmann) is based on transcripts of discussions of the first parliamentary committee on the National Socialist Underground (NSU). With Marica Bodrozic he curated the audiovisual parcours of multilingual literature Unterhaltungen deutscher Eingewanderten. His essay "Das Archiv der Migration," published in Der Freitag on Oct 31, 2011, is particularly pertinent to our series. Utlu lives and works in Berlin. He is the recipient of the Alfred-Döblin-Preis 2021.
Sultan Doughan (PhD at UC Berkeley in Anthropology) is the Dr Thomas Zand visiting assistant professor of Holocaust pedagogy and antisemitism studies at Clark University. Her work engages the Holocaust and antisemitism as symptoms of a longer-standing problem with religious difference in Europe. She is working on a book titled Converting Citizens: German Secularism and the Politics of Holocaust Memory.
Deniz Göktürk is a Professor in the Department of German at UC Berkeley.
If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) or information about campus mobility access features in order to fully participate in this event, please contact Ray Savord at rsavord@berkeley.edu or (510) 642-4555 with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7-10 days in advance of the event.
Registration required
Registration info: Register online
Event Contact: dgokturk@berkeley.edu
Access Coordinator: Ray Savord, rsavord@berkeley.edu, 510-642-4555