Summer Sessions 2019

Summer Special Session 2019  [June 24 - September 13, 2019]

Please click here to view the schedule as a PDF

German 001A. Accelerated Intensive Elementary German (15 units)

MTWRF 2:10-4:40P
151 Olson Hall
CRN 60423

Instructor Period Teaching
 Erin Altman  June 24 - July 19
 Kristin Predeck  July 22 - August 16
 Aylin Bademsoy  August 19 - September 13

Course Description: German 001A is a 12-week accelerated summer session course that covers German 001, 002 and 003 (the Elementary German series).  This course fulfills the one year language requirement and prepares students to start the second year of German in the fall.  The course will complete the textbook Deutsch Na Klar! In addition to the textbook, we will work with video, film, writings, cartoons, political satire, current events and music from the cultures of the German speaking world.  Credit is not available to students who have already taken German 001, 002, or 003 at UC Davis.

Prerequisite: None.

GE credit (New): None.

Format: Lecture/Discussion.


  • Robert Di Donato and Monica D. Clyde, Deutsch: Na klar! An Introductory German Course [7th Edition]  (McGraw-Hill Education, 2015)

News and Events

Upcoming talk: “Max Weber and Religion of China: Enchantment, Life, and World as Method”

Professor Chunjie Zhang (UC Davis German), Monday, June 3 at 12:00 p.m. in 912 Sproul

German Colloquium Series

Upcoming talk: "Jewelry in the Medieval German Artusroman: Beyond Fiction, Reality, and Expectations"

Stefanie Schöberl (UC Davis Graduate Program in German), Monday, May 20 at 12:00 p.m. in 912 Sproul

German Colloquium Series

Upcoming talk: "Enlightened Citizenship in Lessing’s Emilia Galotti (1772) and Mozart’s Lucio Silla (1772)"

Wednesday, May 15
4:00 pm
912 Sproul Hall

Professor Sven-Erik Rose's Current Research on Literature Written in Nazi Ghettos was Featured in March 2019 "Scholarship Issue" of 'News from AJS: Association for Jewish Studies'

Professor Sven-Erik Rose's earlier book, Jewish Philosophical Politics in Germany 1780-1848received a major award from the Association for Jewish Studies (AJS). His current research, which delves into the written works created by Jewish peoples during their time interned by the Nazis in ghettos - most famously in Warsaw, Lodz and Vilna - is highlighted in the March 2019 issue released from the AJS. Read his comments about his research quoted in the publication here.

Recent UC Davis German PhD Lauren Nossett Publishes The Virginal Mother in German Culture with Northwestern University Press (March 2019)

Congratulations, Lauren!

Stefanie Schoeberl Awarded the Sieglinde Hartmann Prize

Congratulations to German graduate student Stefanie Schoeberl, who recently received the Sieglinde Hartmann Prize awarded by the prestigious International Medieval Congress held each year in Leeds, England. For more information, please read the article.
