Yingwei Mu


Position Title
Graduate Student in German
Provost Fellow 2023-2024

Sproul Hall 418
Office Hours
Winter 25: Monday, Wednesday 10-11am
office hours maybe adjusted regard to students time schedules

As a child of the world, I've embraced a nomadic life, wandering through Asia, Europe, and North America. My journey is driven by a deep curiosity to explore diverse knowledge systems, always seeking a deeper understanding of myself, others, nature, and the universe.

At the crossroads of German and Chinese studies, my work shines a light on modern and contemporary literature, with a special focus on (eco)feminism and (post)colonialism.

Beyond academia, I work as an astrologist on the side, guided by a belief in spiritual wisdom. I also love to express myself through creative writing, oil painting, photography, and dancing.

Education and Degree(s)
  • 2016-2019, B.A., German Studies, Tongji University
  • 2017-2018, Exchange, German Studies, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • 2020-2022, M.A., Chinese Studies and Translation Studies, University of Bonn
Research Interests & Expertise
  • Asian-German Studies
  • Translation Studies
  • (Eco)Feminist Studies