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Join us Friday, Oct. 13th for the UC Davis German Graduate Student Fall Research Symposium

UC Davis German Graduate Student Fall Research Symposium
Friday, October 13, 2023
12:00pm - 4:30pm
1230 Walker Hall


12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:35 Constructing and Contesting German Identities
Moderator: Professor Sven-Erik Rose
Evan Martens, “Identity Construction and Contemporary German Culture”
Seva Shinde, “Towards the Indian-German Cinematic Collaboration”
Adam Davis, “Perceptions of German National Identity around 1800: Responding toEnlightenment Discourse and Revolution”

2:15-2:25 Break

2:25 Interwar, Postwar

Moderator: Professor Elisabeth Krimmer
Sicily Lerner, “Subversive Nonhumans: Aesthetic Rupture, Nation-States, and Rebellionin the Interwar Works of Franz Kafka, Marc Chagall, and Bruno Schulz"
Katrina Katzenbach, “Postwar German Performance”

3:35-3:45 Break

3:45 Theologians, Anti-Theologians
Moderator: Professor Stefan Uhlig
Christopher Constantin, “Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Nachfolge (trans. The Cost ofDiscipleship): a Morsonian/Bakhtinian reading.
Nicolas Petry, “Publishing my first Book Review and how!”


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